Monthly Community Zoom Meeting

First Saturday of every month at 10 am for about an hour.

All POA Members are invited to our Monthly Community-led Discussion Meeting.
This meeting is for owners who want to discuss the issues important to them.

A board member will be facilitating the meeting and moderating the discussion, but hope other owners will help to set the agenda and lead sessions.

Email us at:

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 0824 7661

Passcode: 7777777

One tap mobile

+13462487799,,86908247661#,,,,*7777777# US (Houston)

***This same meeting ID and passcode will be used for all meetings this year.

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.


DISCLAIMER: This is not a POA board meeting, there will not be any POA business or voting done.

These meetings are not recorded to encourage everyone to speak freely, but summaries will be provided at the next meeting.



