October 2023 Rain Issues

According to the Evant High School weather station we received over 8 inches of rain October 26-27, 2023. You can see the online rain gauge here.

With that much water flowing it was important to check how well the roads held up. 

Board members and members of the community helped evaluate the roads on October 29-30, 2023.

We found that all roads are passable.

Roads in Phases 1-4 handled the rain quite well with some smaller issues occurring at bridge crossings in phase 2 & 3. However, roads in Phases 6a and 6b exhibited a number of issues. 

We found seven locations where the side of the road was washing away due to a large amount of water traveling over it, with one of these locations having a large amount of debris blocking the culvert.

Phase 6a & 6b issues are documented on this google map:


The good news is that Jimmy Gonzales brought these road issues to the attention of Lone Star Land Partners and they have agreed to do the following actions to remedy at NO COST to Rio Escondido POA:

  • Repacking soft cul-de-sacs
  • Fixing runoff areas and sinkholes
  • Improving drainage including clearing culverts and improving the shape of drainage ditches to divert water to available culverts.

The repairs are be expected done in the December-January timeframe.

Work to remove the debris blocking the culvert was done November 17 & 19th with thanks to Harold Pickering and his son Garrett, Jimmy Gonzales, Israel Richner, Chris Hart and Komra Salo. Here is a video of Chris Hart loading the debris for take away.



